In Oracle Fusion PPM resources are very important component of a Project.While defining the resources we need to take care of three thing-Job Mapping,Resources Class and nonlabor resources

JOB Mapping-Through Job Mapping we have to associate granular Human resource jobs to less detailed Project Job .These job can be used for project financial management
For example you can define a project job called Laboratory associate and use it for creating a planning resource based on the predefined resource formats.So this project Job you can map to similar Job belongs to Human Resource

The purpose is that Human resource Job titles can vary country to country with i same organization .But it we are managing project at global level we can create a simplified Job definition for smooth maintenance of resource breakdown structure.Also with this mapping we can easily handle the rate schedule and RBS used for project reporting ,costing,invoicing and revenue recognition
Resource Class
Oracle Fusion PPM Provides four seeded resource class.
Labor-Named Person or resource representing a person whose time is utilized in the project and can be measured in hours
Expenses-Machine or Equipment with time capacity that are used in a project and can be measured in hours
Material Items-Resources that are physically tracked with any Unit of Measure
Financial Resources– resources that have financial value and can be measured in Currency

Each resource class is assigned to a default expenditure type for each project unit which is used when deriving the cost rates.
Non labor Resources:
Non labor resources are assets or group of assets that are used on a project.These resources utilize usage transactions.For example a non labor resource may be a piece of quipment with capacity that is utilized such Training room or equipment with physical output that is consumed such as printer

for non labor resource,usage transactions are charged to project or task to which we assign these resources
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