Controlled Budget is a Budget that is created in Oracle Fusion Budgetary Control to prevent overspending of Budgeted Amount
In oracle Fusion Project if Budgetary Control is enabled ,Project manager can gain control over spending of Project Budget
Control Budgets are automatically created when you create baseline versions of Project Budget if it is enabled for Budgetary Control
You can also import Budget enabled for Budgetary Control using File based Data Import Process

Consider a Scenario
Suppose the Budget version of a Project Amount is $200 for a labor resource and $300 for a financial resource.
When you create a baseline version of the Budget,corresponding Control Budgets are created in Oracle Fusion Budgetary Control.The Control Budgets contain the control levels from Financial Plan Type such as -Absolute,advisory and Track

When the project incurs expenditures,the expenditures are checked against the control budget,they are restricted from over spending if the control level is Absolute
you will get warning message if the control level is either advisory or Track Control